
Friday, October 10, 2008


Will MSM Report On Louis Farrakhan Declaration Of Obama As The Messiah?

In case the video is pulled, here is the text:

"You are the instruments that God is gonna use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking."

Of course, Louis Farrakhan is just someone in Obama's neighborhood...

...move along. Nothing to see here.


  1. It is no wonder Barry Obama is eager to meet with Mahmoud Ahadinejad. They
    have so much in common...being they both are up for becoming the next Mahdi.

  2. that dayamed farrackonartist is going to get his fatwaback and greens before me!

  3. Maybe after they show the video of Sarahpoleon getting the blessing from the witch hunter?

  4. tracifish: It is well known that most terrorists and enemies of America favor an Obama presidency.

    nanc: fatwahback & greens? lol. I don't know about that, but Farrakahn will be a guest of the Lincoln bedroom if Obama wins.

  5. jollyroger: lol. And maybe then the Obama bin Biden campaign will takes us all on a 57 state tour of the anti-American friends of Obama.

    First stop on the tour can be a recreation of Bill & Bernadette's house, festooned with posters of Che Guevara, where NObammy launched his political career.

    Farrakhan, Rezko, Mr & Mrs. Ayers, Reverend Wright and we haven't even left the suburbs of Chicago!

    Then we could embark on the World Tour. Sounds exciting to me.

  6. Cube,

    I hope this makes a difference. Wouldn't it have been better to hammer this stuff home months ago?

    The sad current state of parasite trajectory / momentum has left McCain looking reactive.

    Apparantly there is a new discipline known as rhetoric. It relates to the ability to convey subject matter through a thing called speech. Apparently words and the way they are presented can be used to persuade people to do things the speaker would like them to do!

    The key it seems, is to have something to say, factual or total bullshit, and say it in creative, skillful and repetative ways.

    Some politicians, I'm told, have begun using this new fangled rhetoric angle. Others are just lunging and flailing about because sometimes that works too!

    Sadly, it seems people like consistent bullshit. Aimless bullshit is less convincing.

    Additionally, Americans don't care about a politician's religion; unless he is a Mormon.


  7. I think that John has lost the will to win.
    He's lucky he has Sarah Palain or he would be down much more.
    we are going to need a miracle or for something drastic to happen.

    Other wise, sorry to say it but our "Goose is Cooked"

  8. QQ: I hear you. I share your belief that this stuff should've been hammered upon the Big Zero repeatedly by now. Especially in light of how long it takes bad news about a liberal to filter through the recalcitrant (in-the-tank-for-Obama) MSM & hit the news cycles.

  9. dd2: I think McCain is just trying to counter the "Angry McCain" liberal meme that is so prevalent in the MSM and blogosphere. He's trying to appear cool-headed & noble.

    Me, I would've asked the crowd to keep the criticism respectable and stopped. No need to go as far as McCain did.
