
Friday, October 17, 2008

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... what else but a blue collar cat hissing at the socialists who want to redistribute the kibbles.

Happy Friday, everybody!


  1. Yikes. That might scare Joe the plumber. But it would not scare my husband the plumber- he has a license!

  2. Sums up how I feel these days about the media!

  3. jill: Joe the Plumber wants to buy an established plumbing company, like the one he currently works for. He wants to be the boss because that's how you make the
    big bucks.

    The bigger the risk, the larger the reward. Capitalism at its finest.

    Raising the taxes on the entrepreneurs that take the risks, will cost jobs & will slow or stop the engine of economic growth.

    The same way a high tide raises all boats, a growing economy provides jobs and raises the standard of living for everyone.

  4. aow: The MSM is so in the tank for Obama, that I feel as though they're one in the same.

  5. As a side, non-political note. I was teaching about cations and anions yesterday. Drew them up, and then turned and asked "who likes cats?" ensuing debate... I like cats, I don't yadda yadda, so when they started to get quiet I said, "well, I like cats, they taste like chicken, so cats are a good thing, cats are positive, cations are positive!"

    Took 'em a while to realize what I said. Guaranteed, they'll remember cations are positive.


  6. bw: You are an awesome teacher. I have a biology degree, but I took a ton of chemistry classes and
    that's exactly how I remembered the difference between cations & anions. Cat positively rule.

  7. Better tell that cat to watch out. The blood-sucking media is already crucifying Joe the Plumber for daring to ask a real question to their Obamessiah. That cat may need nine lives if the "unbiased" media finds out.

  8. Joe the Plumber is certainly getting talked about :D

    I hope you haave a great weekend!

  9. papa frank: I hear ya. Wouldn't it be great if we all could be as lucky as a cat with 9 lives to squander.

    Me, I want my one life on Earth to be socialism-free, and I want the same for my children & future grandchildren.

    miladyusa: I'm glad our paths have crossed again. I hope your weekend, for Mr. Sparks sake, is squirrel free.

  10. 'redistribute' the kibble..too cute!
    But that is one MEAN lookin' cat!!

  11. Hey, you sure that's not a Democat!

    See, Demo...and it's a this thing on? Is this an audience or an oil painting...(our political satire instincts are sharp in Tasmania)

  12. steve h: I'd get mean too if someone tried to redistribute my wealth.

    Z: I like the blue collar part best.

    miles mcc: catire? ***rimshot***
