
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mad Madonna

If this is what a vegan diet gets you, then gimme a cheeseburger!

The Mad World Of Madonna: Grains for every meal, rice milk, no TV and sleeping in a plastic suit covered in £500 cream

Madonna is insane and her soon-to-be-ex-husband Guy Ritchie is a colossal wimp for putting up with all that crap for as long as he did.


Another Obama voter.


  1. give me 2 cheeseburgers


  2. If she was 1/100th as hot as she thinks she is I still wouldn't. Even if I had a gun pointed at my noggin.

    I think I'm going to hurl.


  3. pez: lol! Hey stranger. Long time no comment.

    anonymous: I think she's vile. I feel sorry for her children.

  4. My God - she looks terrible. And to think I had a crush on her 20 years ago.

  5. Fame and money don't seem like such a good thing when you see something like this.

  6. my GOSH, she looks AWFUL.

    And she has the guts to belittle Palin? OY!

  7. Can you imagine how lonely she is?
    I hope she learns to love herself before it's too late. I hope she accepts God's love before it's too late.

    So, so sad. I wouldn't trade my life for hers.

  8. She sleeps in a plastic suit? That sounds really comfortable. She's a dick.

  9. the plastic mancunian: I think you could be forgiven that youthful indiscretion.

    jan: Honestly, I would love the money part, but not the fame. To be a rich nobody is my goal in life.

    Z: Good point. Where does this nutball get off telling us anything negative about Sarah Palin? The gall is... just galling!

  10. pinky: Honestly, I don't care if Madonna is lonely or not. If she had two neurons to rub together (and one of them wasn't inhibitory) she'd figure out that she is lonely because she drives people away from herself with her insanity.

    Her own children are prey to her kook values.

    At least with the divorce, her poor children will have weekends of sanity when they're staying with their dad.

    God help them on those weekends when Madonna is in charge.

  11. Not hot anymore !
    I was reading a report that quoted her husband as saying that she thinks she is an advisor to people but in actuality is very bitter!

  12. Scary how celebrities sometimes only see what they want to see...

    Here via Deni. Fun blog, I'll be back!
