
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

America What Have You Done?

This article was such a downer to read that I'm going to warn my readers to read it at their own risk.

Murphy's Law, The Peter Principle And Barack Obama

And Shiver didn't even metion BO's moslem schooling in Indonesia...


  1. We don't have all his school records??

    Uh, what WAS that I heard about transparency?
    Maybe I misunderestimated what transparency means.

  2. wow

    kinda scary but what is new...i almost feel hopeless...he is changing the dna of this country


  3. JD: BO's school records have been completely withheld from scrutiny. This alone is an unparalleled lack of transparency in the history of the US presidency.

    I don't know any A students who keep their grades a classified secret, do you?

  4. Kris: I know, but Shiver just collated it in such a gut-wrenching package that I felt like sharing it.

  5. The characters in this President's closet are too strange for fiction -- Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, the New Party, Billy Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Louis Farrakhan, Mayor Daly, Rod Blagojevich, George Soros, assorted tax cheats and pay-to-play schemers of every variety.

    It's stunning to look at this list and think as bad as the people he appointed to his cabinet are, they are his respectable associates.

  6. This whole thing is a huge downer... Ugh.

    Transparency means we're on a 'need to know' basis, of course.

  7. We are SO screwed.

    It is like a national nightmare that doesn't stop.

  8. This is the pefect time for my anonymous troll to pop up and extoll the virtues of BO....

    Um, comon troll...


  9. you have a troll?

    where have you been keeping it?

    we are no longer the america our parents knew. or u.s. for that matter.

  10. Chuck: I hear you. Me, I can't wrap my head around someone who would vote for BO. Really, I can't.

  11. 22 days and counting. It's going to be long four (eight?) years.

  12. cube - I can understand how you can say that (can't wrap your head around someone who voted for him)
    and you surely know that I did, and how can you bring yourself to comment on what I write? I know I can't comment on your posts about him.

  13. I would've voted for Obama, you know. I actually like the guy. But, hey, everyone's entitled to an opinion.
    Hope I'm not wrong about him. if I am, let's hope the GOP has someone decent to race him in 2012.

  14. Pasadena CC: Make sure you secure your seatbelt 'cause we may be in for some bumps along the way.

    Sue: OMG I wasn't sure until now! Now what?


  15. Gosh, that was almost as depressing as his 1100 page stimulus package that passed today!
    We have 3 Firday the 13ths this year! Could be a sign?
