
Monday, February 09, 2009

O'Bam Bam

Obama banged his head on Marine One today...

Keep your eyes open for those pesky banana peels, dude ;-)




  2. Someone dust off Chevy Chase to play him on SNL.

  3. dmarks: Yeah, my first thought was of Gerald Ford. Looks like BO is losing some of his cool.

  4. I'm sure the media will find a way to blame this on the Republicans like they did his attempt at entering the white house via a window.

  5. Anonymous: Is that the same as

    dmarks: heh heh

    Misfit410: Yeah, I forgot about that.

  6. I can only assume this to will be played constantly on the media

  7. one need only look to see those ears were going to get hung up in something one day...

  8. Great post here!

    Would you like a Link Exchange with our new blog COMMON CENTS where we blog about the issues of the day?

  9. my first thought was of Gerald Ford too. I wonder if the media will continue to focus of this like they did with Ford.

  10. Chuck: Yeah right. Ha ha ha.

    nanc: I would hope he stays out of strong wind conditions too ;-)

    commoncents: Thank you. I don't have a blogroll at the moment, but when I do, I'll certainly add yours.

    Jan: I think BO will have to
    screw up more than this to have the MSM start harping on the less-than-cool behavior.

    They'll start reporting once it gets to flopsweat time.

  11. That tight of a shot, I thought he was entering one of the porta potties that lined the Mall for his inauguration.

  12. HA! Where is the MSM to call him Gerald Ford, part two?

    Oh, yah.

  13. apparently it didnt knock any sense or patriotism or humanity into him!

  14. cube - new blog: mysolemnword

    also starting Wednesday:


    Check 'em out

  15. As for President Obama I know that he is a hard-core leftist -- and perhaps a neo-Marxist. I know that his agenda could drive the last nail into America' coffin and that it is a blow against all that is great and good. Thus, if I wished him success, it could only mean I hated my country, my fellow man, and God himself.
    And to all those bloggers asking us conservatives to support this Marxist, I can tell them exactly where they can go.

  16. He could do it again and again and again and it STILL wouldn't knock any sense into that head.

    Okay..tell the truth; How hard did YOU laugh when you first saw that video!? HAA!!

  17. cube: Anonymous: Is that the same as
    DOOOGE? - what does doogie howser have to do with it?

    my vote for best caption is dmarks's homerism


  18. I haven't seen the video.
    I'm headed for youtube NOW.

  19. Yeah where is Chevy Chase now!

    Gee there is a video?
    Who would have thought the mainstream media could actually play this!
    Of course not, if that was Bush We'd be sick to death of watching that video.

  20. That's how misinformed you all are; it WAS played all over the evil "main stream media" and obviously when Bush hit his head in the exact same way, it WASN'T played in the Main stream media because nobody seems to know about it. check it out. Bush did the same thing and lord knows it didn't knock any sense into HIM!!!

  21. dmarks, you're one of those people who agree with what everybody else in the wrong is talking about not matter what it is. on this blog you're all right-wingy and I've seen lots of other comments of yours on other left leaning blogs where you're all nice and reasonable. what's with that? me thinks you might be a bit skitzo.

  22. I thought only Republican presidents were clumsy and misspoke sometimes and weren't perfect.
    I am so disillusioned.

  23. Anon said "dmarks, you're one of those people who agree with what everybody else in the wrong is talking about not matter what it is."

    Give one example of a wrong thing I agreed with.

  24. And it takes worse than a schitzo to pull any ideology out of my comments here: "D'ohbama" and "Someone dust off Chevy Chase to play him on SNL."

    I defy you to make any comment of substance other than what you did above, which is typical (meaningles insult nd right wing bad, left wing good). I guess you see things too much black and white to perceive anything beyond a 100% completely divided "moonbat vs wingnut" worldview.
