
Friday, March 06, 2009

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a cigar-chomping kitty a la el Rushbo.

Happy Friday everybody!


  1. Looks like a real "fat cat" type.

    I had a group of kindergartners show up as I was looking at him... they got quite a laugh out of him. Ha.

  2. Yeah, I'd say Rush can qualify as a fat cat type on more than one level. Glad the kiddies liked it.

  3. SO SO cute!

    The 'fat' part is relevant..did you notice Rush's gained a lot of weight back? I'm thinking it's steroids for the incredible back pain he suffers from...
    We've got to hope that guy stays healthy!

    Cube...great shot!

  4. that kitty is gonna stunt his growth!


  5. Z: Yes I did notice his weight gain but I think it may be more related to overeating. Hey, but who am I to judge? I don't judge Oprah when her weight yoyos up either.

    birdwoman: He's only stunting his growth length-wise not that along his width.

  6. That cat is a Ditto Head if I ever saw one.


  7. gifted typist: ditto *snort*

    mksviews: thanks.

    J.D.: Ditto cat.
