Rep. Frank Pushes For Prosecutions Over Meltdown Is this guy for real?
I'm thinking he's got the the biggest 'nads in the House...
Then again, maybe Barney hasn't read a report from the Business & Media Institute that singles out "a senior member of the House Banking Committee. This congressman is 'recipient of more than $40,000 in campaign donations from Fannie since 1989' and 'was once romantically involved with a Fannie Mae executive.' The same congressman 'was and remains a stalwart defender of Fannie Mae.'"
What else can be this be but phenomenal hubris?
Cube, you misunderstood, he meant Republicans. It is the same with the "truth commission". They only want to learn the truth about the Bush administration.
ReplyDeleteA while after the Dims retook Congress, they sent out word that they wanted people to e-mail them accounts of innapropriate behavior in the Justice Department. Among the e-mails they got were episodes from Slick Willie's JD. They said no, just since 2000, they didn't want to go back furhter than that.
Frankly speaking...
ReplyDeleteWhen Frank speaks, I shudder.
I also feel like barfing.
Chuck: Yeah, it's good to be a democrat. You can live by the motto, "Do as I say, don't do as I do."
ReplyDeleteJ.D.: You and me both.
"phenomenal LIES" "phenomenal smoke screen" "phenomenal stupidity" "phenomenal conceit" "phenomenal ability to deny the truth"?
ReplyDeleteTake your pick. They all work!!?
He had a male brothel operating in his home, run by his lover, and he "didn't know". !! Here we go AGAIN!
Show me a politician who has the purity to cast the first stone... and I'll drop like a rock.
ReplyDeleteThe "Banking Queen" Barney Frank wants to also help OJ in his never ending quest to find Nicole's real killer.
ReplyDeleteZ: It's shocking that this sleazeball continues to get elected. Aside from his undesirable conduct, he is a mushmouth whose words are nearly impossible to understand.
ReplyDeleteAnanda girl: I know politicians don't always tell the truth, but Frank goes way beyond the normal limits.
DaBlade: Yeah, another fairy tale.
I love it when he says shiboleth!
ReplyDeleteAgain, he is reelected for one reason only; he effectively moves the gay agenda forward. Don't know what that is? You're either stupid or a liar! Lets not forget his other favorite Shiboleths; Abortion and euthenasia!
Extermination of the population is ok when you do it to save the planet you see...
One of the many things we aren't supposed to be seeing, talking about or thwarting.
Bahhney caused this problem along with Clinton, and Dodd yet they are only going to look back to 2001 for the source.
Good enough for the New York Times though...
QQ: I love it when he says "Suffering succotash"... ;-)
ReplyDeleteYes, we aren't supposed to connect the dots with the mortgage fiasco just like we weren't supposed to connect the dots when they put up the wall between the CIA and the FBI so that they couldn't share terrorism data.
Like I said before, it's good to be a democrat. You don't have to answer to anyone for errors in judgement.
Bawnee Fwank does have the biggest nads in the house, in his mouth.
ReplyDeleteShhhhh, Be Vewy Very Qwuiet, I'm hunting dose WaskiWy WePubWicans
ReplyDeleteMisfit410: lol. That explains the mushmouth.
ReplyDeleteHe's playing Whack-A-Republican and getting away with it. Just the other day I heard that Andrea Mitchell apologized for the way the press was going after him about this issue. WTF?