
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Billy Mays 1958- 2009

First David Carradine, then Ed McMahon, then Farrah Fawcett, then Michael Jackson, and now Billy Mays...

TV Pitchman Billy Mays Found Dead At Tampa Home

There is some speculation that Mays' untimely death at 50 could've been exacerbated by a rough landing on Saturday afternoon at Tampa International Airport when the plane blew out its front tires. Time will tell.

Meanwhile, hug your kids if you have them, and live your life because whether you are rich, poor, a celebrity, or an unknown, there are no guarantees in life for a tomorrow.


  1. Whoa! I wonder what got him?

  2. Only the autopsy can say for sure, but there is speculation that it may have been the bump on the head he suffered during the rough landing he had at the airport yesterday.

    Brings to mind the Natasha Richardson case.

  3. Whoa! Now there's a mind blower.

    My sympathies to his family and friends.

    Makes you think alright... and count your blessings.

  4. Head injuries are quite strange. I lost a dear friend several years ago because of one that didn't seem important at the time.

  5. You are so right about there being no guarantees for a tomorrow. Thanks for the news.

  6. Ananda Girl: Cherish every day.

    Jan: As kids we used to think our mom made way too much of bumps on the head and especially the dreaded area around the temple, but it turns out head bumps can be deadly.

    Crazy4coens: I'm ready for a long period of boring stuff after all of the unexpected news we've had recently.

  7. guarantees is right, particularly if you hit your head.
    I couldn't help thinking about Liam Neeson's wife.

    Ah, I see you mentioned Richardson, too.......

    Cube, CHERISH EVERY DAY is such a good reminder. Thanks. xxx

  8. Z: It's looking like heart disease for Billy's cause of death. I guess the toxicology will provide the ultimate answers as they always do.

  9. Hey Cube...just wandered over from Oodles of Funch. This was a nice post. Billy Mays actually surprised me the most out of any of the recent celebrity deaths. He seemed like more of a normal, if somewhat loud, guy.

  10. Laura B.: Welcome :-)

    Yes, Mays' death surprised me the most too.

    Although many found him loud & obnoxious in his informercials, he was a good man in real life.
