
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cerveza Aqui

The Casa Pocho, a bar in Cullera, Spain, is encouraging clients to insult its staff and offering free drinks for original or hilarious abuse.

Gimme A Beer, Imbecile! - Spanish Bar Wants Insults

"Come mierda, traeme una cerveza!"

Hey, I could fit right in ;-)


  1. Mas puto! Trae me un Don Julio!

    Yeah! You're right. I can get into this too. Damn, I need to go to Spain.

  2. Guess they don't have OSHA in Spain.

  3. Crap! I don't speak Spanish and I could really use a beer! Is an English insult allowed?

  4. I guess they don't have MANNERS in Spain! Beer with no manners can be dangerous!

  5. Metallman: Cabron, y dos Dos Equs!

    Si, vamonos a Espana.

    RightKlik: I don't know. They are part of the EU where bureaucracy reigns supreme.

    CrazyBunnyLady: Thanks :-)

    Ananda Girl: The Spanish are very hospitable. I'm sure you could work something out.

    Z: It's just one bar in Spain. The owner is doing it as a promotional thing. He says if you get your hostility out on his employees, you don't shower it on your family. It's all in fun.

  6. Dame mas cerveza, vaca fea y vieja!

    I think I just demanded more beer, and called the person an ugly old cow. Is that good enough?

  7. Jen: lol. You demanded more beer and you said that the server was an an ugly cow AND old. Me thinks you would win a free beer at the Casa Pocho unless you were being waiting on by a young dude.
