
Monday, August 24, 2009

Vacay Bound

Respect My Pri-Vah-Ceh

There will be no tolerating reporters using cellphones to call or text friends with the president’s latest movements at Martha's Vineyard.

Maybe to avoid embarassing photos such as this one.



  1. Has the photographer been heard from since?

  2. Hee hee. Probably already been thrown out of the press pool.

  3. yea she looks real classy doesnt she !

  4. That's funny. Some pictures are best not printed.

  5. WomanHonorThyself: Definitely something Jackie O. would never have been seen wearing...I'm just saying. I guess this is qualifies as Camelot .00002 ;-)

    Maria@Conversations with Moms: You are so right. I guess those at fault will be banned.

  6. Ananda Girl: Are they ever?

  7. that woman has some LONG arms, both figuratively and LITERALLY. Kinda like the spider lady in Coraline.


  8. I seem to remember leftist media screeching when Bush went to Crawford for a little working vacay...

    No such noise now, though.

  9. birdwoman: You're being kind. Are you afraid of the Gulags too? ;-)

    Brooke: Oh gosh I do remember the screeching of the MSM over the August vacation. If only we had some investigative journalists today who could run an analysis of the costs between a month at the Crawford ranch versus a week at Martha's Vinyard. Perhaps that would set the record straight.

    I'd bet even if you throw in the time at the Grand Canyon, you'd still come up short on BO's side and we won't even mention all the parties since January.

    Are investigative journalists even allowed to investigate BO? I'm not sure.

  10. have you read or seen Coraline? Not so nice. Not at all. *shiver*


  11. Birdwoman: No I haven't seen Coraline, but the spider lady does look creepy.

    To me, MO looks more like THIS
