
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Ex-Con (gressman)

From the American Spectator online comes news that former Rep Jim Traficant (D-OH), is expected to be released from prison today after serving seven years for racketeering, bribery and fraud.

Beam Me Up, Jimbo

Wow, those seven years flew by for me.


  1. Wonder what he learned in prison.

  2. The photo cracks me up!

    The guy makes me ill. I wonder if he went to a real prison or one of those federal ones where they can play golf. (Or do those really exist?)

  3. I'm not too worried about it. He is a survivor. He'll land on his feet. Probably run for office again AND get elected.

  4. Ananda Girl: Yeah. The photo was prepared by someone with greater Photoshop skills that I possess.

    As far as Traficant goes, there are many crooked politicians in the Congress right now (Jefferson is out, but Rangel is still in). Why don't they end up in jail?

  5. Oh, I remember that big mouthed bad hair guy. He will be on talk shows I'm sure, and it will be entertaining.

  6. Looks a lot like Serbian genocidal leader Radovan Karadzic.

  7. I'd vote for him over Obama...well...I'd vote for this desk over Obama :O).

  8. Jamie Dawn: Traficant was always entertaining.

    dmarks: Except Radovan's was real.

    EDGE: I hear you.
