
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

2500th Post

I don't know what to say... After 2500 posts, I think I've said it all.



  1. congratulations.


  2. Since I've started and restarted many blogs, I've lost count.

    What you should do is offer a free month's groceries to your millionth comment poster!

  3. Lee: Thank you.

    Steve Harkonnen: lol. At the rate I'm going, I'll be able to use my portable transporter to beam in the groceries to my millionth poster. Wait that's silly. Maybe it would be more realistic to
    send Rosie, my robot maid, to deliver them right to the millionth poster's house via flying car ;-)

  4. WOW!!!! Congratulations! I guess I have some back reading to do. hee hee

  5. we've only just begun my friend.

  6. Congratulations and I hope you go on to 5000. I'll be reading.

  7. Wow, I was happy that I was approaching 500

  8. Whoa. My goal has always been 2,000 consecutive posts, and I'm about 209 posts away from it. Suddenly that doesn't seem so ambitious. Kudos on raising the bar, and congrats on reaching this milestone!

  9. If I could afford it, I'd get Duff to make you an Obama cake.

  10. Nice! Congrats cube, you may have said it all - just keep saying it. Your 2500 posts have not added to the national debt and only account for .000000001 ounces of weight added to the internet.

  11. EDGE & WomanHonorThyself: Thank you.

    Ananda Girl: They're not all gems, but get busy anyway ;-)

    INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW: That's my usual attitude, but I do suffer from blog exhaustion now and then. You know, occasional doubts...

    Jan: Thank you and I'll be reading about our beloved dogs at your place.

    Chuck: Keep plugging away. You'll hit 2500 before you know it.

  12. Congrats and Keep on posting!!!




  13. Good job! Keep going! Congratulations!

  14. MCF: Thank you for your kind words, but 2000 posts is plenty ambitious as a goal, especially since your average post is much longer than my average post. Kudos to your longevity in the blogosphere.

    BeckEye: I would be petrified if Duff's amazing talents were wasted on BO. I see you're still trying to induce a myocardial infarction with your pithy comments. That shows you care. Keep it up :-)

    DaBlade: Thanks. I will try to keep my blog fat free ;-)

  15. Congrats, and thanks for making me feel like a loser with my less than 50 posts so far. BAHAHAHAHAHA Just kidding. You are a super blogger for reaching that milestone!
