
Sunday, December 27, 2009

2009: A Year Of New Lows

There will, no doubt, be many retrospectives chronicling the year's end, but this one by Frank Miele is one that fits my point of view to a tee...

2009: A Year Of New Lows

How low can we go in 2010?

Time will tell.


  1. youre right Cube..time will tell and it had better get better!~

  2. I hear ya. We had better make a stand in 2010 or it will go far worse for us in the future.

  3. Well something has to change or the levee will break!

  4. Ananda Girl: Yep. And the levee is us.

  5. a picture of the balloon boy would have illustrated your point too.


  6. Good list and stunning to see what the fringe media doesn't report when you see it compiled in a list.

  7. How low can we go? We can go so low as to forget the lessons of 2009.

  8. Chuck: Exactly. That's why we need to keep bring up these facts
    whenever possible because the state run media won't.

    Nickie Goomba: I hear you. I hope you're wrong, but I fear that you may be right. I never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.

  9. Lee: True, but I didn't want to bring any more attention to those publicity hounds.

  10. Your title says it all, and that is my feeling. I don't believe I have ever been so amazed and disappointed in our politicians in Washington.

    Right Truth

    p.s. The word verification below is "undees", fitting since we just had our first underpants bomber.

  11. Debbie: Kudos to Frank Miele for the title that does say it all.

    The politicians and the MSM outdid themselves in 2009 and I don't see an end in sight to their shenanigans for 2010.

    The Undee bomber has a ring to it. I hope he got a really nasty burn.

  12. I think the "Hyperinflation Stomp" has begun. Grocery prices have taken another upwards jump. Printing big quantities of paper money does that to a country.

  13. Dorie: Meanwhile unemployment and underemployment continues to grow. The BO admin is doing nothing to grow the economy, just the government.
