
Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you.

Merry Christmas to you.

Merry Christmas, everybody...

Merry Christmas to you.

[The BLOG note: The lyrics are to be sung to the tune of "Happy Birthday"]


  1. merry christmas cube


  2. wait i meant to say meowy christmas. sorry.


  3. Merry Christmas, but those don't look like happy cats.

  4. Lee: Meowy Christmas to you too

    Jan: Those poor kittehs. Anthropomorphism is a terrible thing indeed.

  5. Merry Christmas , and many more!

  6. Jungle Mom: Thank you. Long time no see. Glad you dropped by :-)

    Ananda Girl: Cheers! I'll toast you too. Maybe a couple of times ;-)

  7. I hope it was a good Christmas at the Cube domicile! :)

  8. Brooke: It was good. We do big dinners at Christmas Eve and Christmas, so we're ready for a nice relaxing break today and tomorrow.

    I hope you and your family had a good one, too. It's always better when you have little ones running around.

  9. Merry Christmas! Ahhh... the post-holiday feedbag orgy of leftover refridgeratory goodness!

  10. I hope you had a wonderful day.
    Thanks so much for coming by, I'm SO glad you liked my singing xxx
    love, z

  11. DaBlade: Oh, you have read my mind with your comment. So much food, so little time ;-)

    Z: Our day was fine. Very much the usual day we look forward to every year... just quiet family time.

    Your singing was lovely. What's not to love? BTW I'm not a music expert by any means, but isn't that song a difficult song to sing? You made it sound effortless.

  12. thank you so much, thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much!

    merry christmas to you!

  13. Crazy4coens: You're welcome. I just thought the Happy Birthday song would be appropriate. You know the reason for the season and all.
