
Friday, December 04, 2009

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a cat-related riddle:

Q: What is the difference between this tiger and Tiger Woods?

A: This tiger isn't in hot water.

Happy Friday everybody!


  1. Unlike this tiger in the water who only has to come up for air, Tiger Woods might be losing $300 million before HE's out of 'hot water!"...and he won't even miss it..imagine?
    let's hope that family can stay together...what a stupid move on his part!

  2. I find it amazing he blew his life like this. He had everything and still didn't have enough

  3. Reason #1854 that I'm glad I'm not anyone famous. I actually thought there might be someone the media would give privacy to. I was wrong.

  4. I like both the picture and the riddle. I wasn't surprised by famous Tiger. It seems as if too many famous people fall into that same trap. I always wonder what I would do in a similar situation.

  5. I like that picture! Kinda reminds me of Nirvana, only scarier.

  6. Z: You know, I really don't care if they stay together or not. They have the resources to take care of themselves either way.

    Chuck: That's how the elites of the world roll. The rules are for us little people.

    jan: Yeah, I'd rather be rich than famous any day. Actually, the media gave Woods plenty of breaks in the past because it was understood that if you wrote a negative piece, Tiger wouldn't let you snag another interview.

    Tiger's image may have looked squeaky clean, but we was misbehaving for a long, long time.

  7. Online Pharmacy: Thank you so much for cluttering my blog with your lousy spam. If I ever need any of those drugs, you can count on my business. /s

  8. Ratty: Good question. We are only human.

    Also, I wonder if Tiger would be so eager to keep the family together if it had been his wife who cheated with multiple partners?

    DaBlade: It is cool. I've been saving this picture for the right post.

  9. DaBlade: Nirvana, yeah, only with some fierce looking choppers!

  10. "Tiger tiger, turning right.
    Hitting trash-cans in the night...."

  11. Cube said: "Also, I wonder if Tiger would be so eager to keep the family together if it had been his wife who cheated with multiple partners?"

    Too bad he wasn't President, like Clinton was. Then he could waste $40,000,000 of taxpayer money to cover it up, and tell his large taxpayer-funded staff to lie about it under oath in court, and in public press conferences.

    Tiger for President, yeah!

  12. dmarks: Funny you would mention that poem. The title of this post was "Tiger, Tiger" until I realized it was Friday.

    Trash cans, fire hydrants, trees... it's all good ;-)

    As far as running for president, Tiger is as unqualified as the present occupant. How much worse could it get?

  13. Don't you love these spam posts? I would go without a product before I would buy it from a site that spammed me.

  14. Chuck: I don't think that spam is too far off topic here. I'm really not sure what that tiger is trying to eat. For all I know, it is spam luncheon meat.

    Or maybe it is an.. .ahem.. remnant of Tiger Woods, whose angry wife decided to Bobbitize him pool-side once the revelations of the 5th mistrsss became known.

  15. Chuck: Spammers are annoying, especially the ones that start out by saying how great your blog is then launching into their spiel.

    At least this one didn't beat around the bush.

    nanc: heheh

    dmarks: I heard someone say that Tiger's lucky he wasn't a champion archer or his wife might've come after him with a crossbow.

    BTW the chippy count is now 6.

  16. LOL! I'll bet Tiger remembers that golf club coming at him the next time he so much as looks at a woman.

    I'll bet too that his wife is going to bleed him dry and dump him.

  17. Woman Honor Thyself: Glad you liked it. I had been saving this tiger picture for the right post.

    Brooke: The count is now 7 chippies and I'm sure that is a conservative estimate. I would never had married the schmuck in the first place, but if I were Mrs. Tigger, I'd take the money and run. I think Tigger has a problem that won't be cured with counseling, however intensive.
