
Monday, December 07, 2009

Job Killers

Pelosi Endorses ‘Global’ Tax On Stocks, Bonds, And Other Financial Transactions

Why stop at global... why not a universal tax?

Not even Sith Lords will be able to keep their jobs with these tax and spend ninnies in charge of the economy.


  1. Of course. She needs more money so she can gold-plate her personal jet.

    But seriously, does her greed know any bounds?

  2. No one embodies the mentally-unstable, power-hungry Red Queen image more than Nancy Pelosi. That she is two heartbeats away from the presidency is something that makes me lose sleep at night.

  3. Wow... this one would directly affect my meger retirement in the negative. I guess they think that we are idiots and can't see what they are up to!

    Oh... and you saw who wrote our version right? Had to be an Oregonian polititian. They think my retirement fund is their pin money. Been robbing it for years.

  4. That graphic is priceless to make your point.

  5. Just read the article... I'm beyond words!!!

    The WANT to kill this country. There can be no other reason!

  6. The Democratic credo:

    If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.

    ~Ronald Reagan

  7. Ananda Girl: Mine too. I used to be against term limits because I thought voters would vote out the bad pols & keep the good. My faith in voters has been shaken to the core. Term limits are needed to get those greedy suckers out of office.

    Jan: Thank you.

    Brooke: I agree. It can't be simple incompetence. This is a concerted effort towards an agenda that would make most Americans recoil in horror.

    Chuck: What a wordsmith Reagan was. I so miss his deft management of the language.

  8. love the picture!! Reminds me of the robot chicken star wars where he's calling in to say the death star got blown up...

