
Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Political Correctness Strikes Back: Jedi Believer Wins Apology After Being Kicked Out Of Jobcentre For Wearing A Hood

Now the unemployed father of three plans to sue Jobcentre Plus in Southend for discrimination.

What a world.


  1. Oh, for the love of Pete...

    If you want a job, you can't show up as a Jedi! AAAHHHHH!!!

    Now, if he'd have come in a Starfleet uniform...

  2. lol! You've got a point. A Starfleet uniform is much more clean-cut and buttoned-down than some stupid robe with a hood.

    Still, this guy has been unemployed for 2 years (and his wife is also unemployed) yet he has the wherewithal to sue the very entity that has been supporting his sorry a$$? He's lucky I'm not running the JobCentre 'cause he'd find himself on the corner with a "will work for food" sign.

  3. WomanHonorThyself: I have no words for how low the UK has sunk.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry, typo made it read wrong

    Gee, how is it that this guy is unemployed?

  6. I thought this was a joke when I first heard it. Now I realize the whole world is a joke.

  7. I haven't gotten any responses to my resumes I've been sending out. I think I'm going to sue all of these companies for discrimination of unemployed people. Makes sense, right?

  8. Chuck: I think he fractured his heels, or something, but he could still do data entry work at a computer. Truth is, he's a loafer and so is his wife. The UK is entirely too generous with the benefits and some people take advantage.

  9. Jan: I hear you. My oldest daughter, a sophomore in college, said to me on Sunday, "I want my country back, Mom." I totally agree with her.

    I don't wish the hopelessness of the Carter era on kids today, but I fear that it could get much worse than that.

  10. BeckEye: Make sure you wear a flamboyant outfit. Since Star Wars has been taken, and we've discussed Star Trek already, maybe you could try the Power Rangers, Barney, or the Smurfs.

  11. Brooke: Sure, that will work.

  12. Jediism is a serious religion for many. A Jedi church called the New Jediism Order was founded in October, now with an international following and free online courses on the Jedi religion. The URL is for those interested. The Jedi religion is based on the teachings found in Star Wars, such as those of philosopher Joseph campbell and faiths from Taoism to Buddhism. More info on the site, but not all of us believe in wearing a hood.. MTFBWY
