
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Let Them Eat... Lobster?

Dem Senators Munch On Lobster In Coatroom During Reconciliation Process

Eating lobster on our dime!

Remember this when you go to the polls in November.


  1. Slightly off topic but reading this brings a thought to mind.

    I have been thinking lately the GOP needs to push the notion that Congress will not be using the same insurance they are passing.

    I think it is a winner to introduce legislation demanding that Congressional members must use the insurance.

    It would obviously be voted down and this would be a tough one to explain in the fall.

  2. be fair, Legal Seafood is a Massachusetts company and there's that tie-in, like the article says..a kind of 'cute' remembrance of Health Kare Kennedy...AND, they were probably delivered free of charge for the publicity, BUT, the Dems are tone deaf and eating lobster at a time like that, when they're trying to help those in "Need" with freebies, is kind of disgusting.
    Good catch, Cube. You should pardon the unintended pun :-)

  3. Oh my goodness. I had not read this, but I'm not surprised.

    Right Truth

  4. Chuck: You have hit upon an excellent strategy that we should've been employing all along. Maybe you should replace Chairman Steele ;-)

    BTW I read that BO and key staffers would also be exempt from the Crapcare for which we peons would be forced to pay big bucks. It just keeps getting better every day. Sheesh.

  5. Z: You bring up a good point. Was the food a freebie? Legal Seafood is very pricey so that would be a hefty sum. It would be great if we had some investigative journalists who would ferret out that information.

  6. Debbie: Like I said to Chuck, it just keeps getting better every day.

  7. Good grief! The irony is as rich as the lobster and butter.

  8. Ananda Girl: Now that's rich :-)

  9. Z: A credible source informed me that the food was not a freebie, but was paid for with a private credit card.

    The source also informed me that an order was also placed by the
    republican side and paid for with a private credit card.

    The republican tidbit was unsolicited and provided by the Legal Seafood spokesperson without being asked.

    I can only wonder if come tax time next year these charges will be deducted as a business expense. Hmmmm?

  10. Indeed, Cube.

    One way or another, we will pay for this decadence.

  11. Brooke: Yup. That's what I think too. With all the other liberties taken by Washington politicians, who is going to investigate Lobstergate next year?

    *crickets chirping*

  12. Meanwhile, we the taxpayers (aka "peons") cannot afford lobster at all.

    More evidence of the oligarchy in charge on Capitol Hill!

  13. Time to go John Galt.

    Of course, if I get any slower in my job, I'll be going backward.

