
Friday, July 23, 2010

Busy Jellyfish

Giant Dead Jellyfish Stings 150 People On New Hampshire Beach

Maybe it would've been better to catch the jellyfish with a net that would've kept all the parts together. I'm just saying...


  1. Weird. Wouldn't you think there would be some training in handling wild animals to protect the public.

  2. I know. Even Spongebob knew enough to go after jellyfish with a net! Heck, even Patrick knew better, and that's saying alot.

  3. I have been in and around beaches for 40 years and I suppose I’ve been stung by every marine stinger species at some point…tried all the myths…meat tenderizer…urine..baking soda..sand and so on but vinegar has always worked…always rinse in salt water never fresh…remove any remaining tentacles with a gloved hand or stick but never touch them as the nematocysts continue to fire…since its almost impossible to remember to bring pickles or vinegar to the beach, I found a product that is 5% acetic acid called StingMate…vinegar on steroids…it works..very effective..convenient spray bottle fits in your pocket or surf bag… got my on line at Ultra Care in New Jersey…keep the sunny side up…BL

  4. BL: Thank you for the info. I'm sure the vinegar is cheaper. Maybe we should all throw a bottle into the car trunk just in case.
