
Thursday, July 22, 2010

No Duh, Fred!

The Vast Left-Wing Media Conspiracy

It took the newly released JournoList emails to prove to Fred Barnes that most of the press corps was actively working to promote Obama and liberalism?



  1. I got it back during the first Gulf War when a very new CNN was showing raw footage and filming complete press conferences.

    Then I would watch "news" shows and what they were telling me wasn't what happened at all. Not at all.

    Yes, I believed my lying eyes over the fiction I was shown.

  2. I think it hit me when I saw Walter Cronkite relishing the role he and the rest of the press played in getting the US out of Vietnam.

  3. I'm not sure when I got it. But I certainly know I've lost any respect for the press these days.

  4. Point of correction, the NYT would be in the fantasy section.

  5. Love it, Cube. :-) How true.


    Cube, I couldn't resist linking this for you when I saw it..maybe you'd seen it already!? SO CUTE!

    GREAT CARTOON.......

    I was sent this Barnes piece today and am using it for some of my discussion on the radio show tomorrow...wish me luck :-)

  7. Ananda Girl: I'm pretty skeptical myself.

    Chuck: lol. Yeah, that'll work too.

    Karen Howes: Glad you liked it.

    Z: They are gorgeous. I even love their scientific name... Neofelis nebulosa.

    BTW good luck on your show. I hope you bring up Barne's naivety on the matter of media bias.
