
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Trek Trivia

Even I, Trekkie that I am, didn't know all of these little known facts...

14 Things You Didn't Know About Star Trek

Don't you feel better now? I do :-)


  1. Good grief! And that was one of my favorite tv shows and even the movies though the movies were only so=so.

  2. Hey stranger! Glad to hear from you again.

    For an old cheesy scifi show, Star Trek holds up well. Some of the movies weren't that good, but I still love them, warts and all.

    Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the new movie very much, but I still miss the old cast. They were tops.

  3. I remember some of the controversy about #14, the first on-screen interracial kiss.

    But this one on the list was news to me:

    The role of Spock was originally offered to screen legend Martin Landau.

    I'm a fan of the original Star Trek series only, BTW.

  4. AlwaysOnWatch: I didn't know this at the time the show was aired, but I did find out later in my Trek trivia intensive life.

    It's OK to only love the original series. I love it myself, but I also love the rest of the shows that it spawned.

    You might be surprised at how good some of the later shows are... especially Deep Space Nine. I'm just saying...

  5. Will definitely pass these on to my Trekkie kids who think they know everything.

  6. Jan: Do that. They will be edified, I think.

  7. I knew #1, 4, 8 and 14.

    MAN, I thought I disliked Mulgrew. Whoa.

  8. I loved all of the Star Trek shows! But shamefully, I only knew #14 but I can brag I saw it when it originally aired.

    My fella is a Trekkie and a collector of Trek items... I'll be quizzing him later. ;-)

  9. Very cool, Cube, thanks!

    Nichelle Nichols was actually having an affair with Gene Roddenberry... so some interracial kissing was going on OFF the set too (presumably NOT forced by alien telekinesis :-)

  10. The bit with Scotty's hand was bizarre

  11. Brooke: Janeway isn't so bad. I share her opinion about coffee.

    Ananda Girl: Your fella has good taste.

    Karen Howes: Yeah, Roddenberry was as quite the hound dog... sort of a real-life Captain Kirk except he was married.

  12. Chuck: I don't know why the felt the need to hide it.

    My beloved uncle lost all but a nub of his left forefinger and he enjoyed sitting at red lights with it up against his nose. It looked like he had his finger up his nose. He horrified alot of people to the delight of us kids.
