
Friday, August 20, 2010

Boo Hoo

Oh no, it looks like the sixth vacation this year for the Obamas may not go as well as expected:

Will Bacteria Count Beach Barack Obama?

Nah, they should feel right at home with the rest of the enterococci



  1. I hear that GWB t-shirts are outselling Obama at the Vineyard. Too funny.

  2. Most people don't realize how unbelievable that is in that part of the country. Liberalville.

    Me, I'm not buying a t-shirt, but I still do have a Bush/Cheney sticker on my car. It will stay there until a new republican is voted into the office of president.

  3. i'm crying about those pantylines.


  4. As you said, the Obamas should feel right at home with the fecal matter. Hell, the lagoon will probably get sick from them!

  5. lee: lol. I'm glad someone else said that and not me, but those panty lines ARE so gauche. You'd think a fashion maven, such as MO has been hailed to be by the liberal literati, would know better than to wear such a small thong with those pants! Yikes.

  6. Brooke: That's what I thought exactly. I mean when you spend your life spouting s**t, I would expect that you'd be quite at home with it.

  7. I hope Obama seens a whole bunch of people wearing those T Shirts...
    Maybe that'll really "BUG" him :-)

  8. Did the Obamas bring it with them, perhaps?

    And this is only their sixth vacation??? I would have guessed 15th.

  9. LOL! The Obamas won't be getting much beach time at the Vineyard.

    Serves 'em right. They SHOULD have vacationed in the Gulf.
