
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Imam Ralph

The Cynical Brilliance Of Imam Rauf

If Americans took the time to read a little history about the moslems' penchant for putting mosques over areas they consider a victory for islam, they would be against the mosque at Ground Zero.



  1. Cube,
    Excellent find!

    I posted an excerpt therefrom over at Infidel Bloggers Alliance.

  2. Always On Watch: True. Everyone needs to educate themselves because schools and the MSM aren't going to do it for us.

    Thanks for the link :-)

  3. AOW: You may not know this, but when I googled for an image for this post, I got this image via YOUR blog. Small world, small internet, eh?

  4. This article is brilliant and says it all. Thanks for finding and posting.

  5. Jan: Thanks :-) Glad you liked it.

  6. Hi,

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    We would be pleased with your positive response. Looking forward for your reply...

    Thank You!!

    Jerry Thomas

  7. Isn't it incredible how many people just don't GET that?

  8. In Germany, people are complaining about mosques being built in villages where there aren't any muslims..wait till the EU accepts TURKEY..that's what THAT'S all about.

    We need to educate ourselves, as AOW says, but no matter how much we know, it isn't going to stop this scourage.........then what?

  9. One thing Obama's remarks may have accomplished is to start a public discussion of Islam that Islam will not want.

    This will lead to Muslim's screaming about racism and religious intolerance and I think the public is not in much of a mood right now for being cowed by yet another accusation of intolerance for disagreeing with someone.

  10. White House: What blogroll?

    Karen Howes: Sadly, so many people don't bother to go beyond the pap they are spoonfed by the MSM.

    Z: I don't think America really wants to be the next Europe. The mistakes of the Obama years will be reversed once he is ousted out of office.

  11. Chuck: I agree with you. America is in no mood for more BS. If this mosque goes forward, it will only make it worse for relations between moslems and non-moslems.

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