
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jive Talkin'

Justice Department Seeks Ebonics Experts: DEA To Hire Nine “Black English” Linguists

Barbara Billingsley came immediately to mind.


  1. What is going on with the size of videos recently? They're huge. Anyone know what I can do to resize them?

  2. Aw shucks, I saw JIVE TALKIN' and thought BEEGEES and got my shoulders already for the walk down the Brooklyn avenue! :-)

    To resize look at the html (versus COMPOSE on your blogger NEW POST page) and change the numbers at the beginning and end of the text there to 400 ...all of them to 400...compliments of our buddy Mustang, without whom I couldn't have figured that out!!
    I probably am unclear in my description but I'm vocabularily challenged with this stuff..I can DO it but can't well explain it.
    Let me know. xx

  3. Those are movies i have watched over and over. But that's not important right now and don't call me Shirley.

  4. Z: Sorry to get your hopes up over the BeeGees and then let you down. This is and always has been called jive and giving it a fancy name such as ebonics doesn't change a thing.

    As far as your resizing video advice, it worked like a charm!!!!

    Thank you and Mustang.

  5. Jan: I've always wanted to know... do you like gladiator movies?

  6. REALLY?!? Using the term b*itch and n*gger ever other word is now a language?

    I say get Cosby on the phone to straighten this crap out, and NOW.

  7. Great connection. I wrote on this too but I like your analogy

  8. Brooke: The headline was a bit shocking, but when I read the article it became clear that people who understand black slang are needed to translate it for the rest of us.

    My complaint is that they gave it a fancy name like ebonics. WTF? It's just lazy english.

  9. Karen Howes: Me too. Lots of funny stuff.

    Chuck: Thank you :-)

    WomanHonorThyself: Thank you :-)

  10. This is one of my favorite scenes in movie. Of all time.
