
Monday, August 23, 2010

The Cost Of Blogging

Today I ran across this...

Blogger Beware: Postings Can Lead To Lawsuits

and this...

Philadelphia To License Blogs?

It makes me wonder how long we will all be blogging?


  1. Hmm, this is disturbing. The internet sure is hated by some, isn't it?

  2. I wonder if we will eventually see a cottage industry spring up of underground sites.

    The message has always found a way to get out.

  3. Karen Howes: Yes. The left fears
    the internet because they have a need to control the message at all times. Despite their shouts of free speech and tolerance, it doesn't apply to some points of view, namely those of the right.

    I must admit I don't like the trend.

  4. Chuck: You are right about the message always getting out, but without blogs it will be much more difficult. They were able to elect Obama even with blogs! Can you imagine how much harder it would be without them?

    I guess we can always whip out the old mimeograph machines ;-)

  5. Silencing voices.

    The left will not tolerate dissent.

  6. I just posted on the blog license. Unbelievable.
