
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Smithsonian Portrait

Michelle Obama Portrait Debuts At Smithsonian

I like my pick better than the real one.


  1. I live in Northern Virginia and visit the Smithsonian with some frequency.

    I'll have to make sure that I don't cast eyes upon the actual portrait of MO at the museum. Wouldn't want to puke up my lunch or something.

  2. Always On Watch: You are always on watch so I know you'll be aware of the danger zone ;-)

    Jan: It's all in fun. I especially want the Secret Service to know that...

  3. It's an appropriate replacement, and better looking.

  4. I got a real kick out of the comments on that link! Poor Cheeta!
    I have not yet visited the Smithsonian, but when I do... that exhibit is out.

  5. Really?!?

    Don't these idiot leftists realize the absurdity of this?

  6. LL: Thank you. It was just happenstance that I ran into this photo and thought it looked like Moochelle, especially around the mouth.

    Ananda Girl: I hear ya. It wouldn't be my choice of exhibits either.

    WomanHonorThyself: Glad you liked it :-)

    Brooke: I guess it's not enough to write saliva-inducing articles about the wonderful fashion sense of the FW. There must now be museum exhibits for armpit display.
