
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cone Cell Challenged Humor

It's been slow blogging lately because of the busy holiday season. Things should settle down after the new year.

Meanwhile, here's a little humor that may or may not brighten your day...

If you don't get it, blame your genetic make-up :-)


  1. This is funny. I need to show this picture to my dad to see if he can see it, he's colorblind.

  2. It didn't work for Mr. Cube because he's got red-green colorblindness. He was able to see this just fine.

  3. lol aw my close friend should see this!

  4. LOL! Thanks, Cube, I needed a giggle.

  5. WomanHonorThyself: It's a funny shirt... I wish they had one for red-green colorblindness. I could've had some fun with Mr. Cube :-)

  6. Karen Howes: Glad you liked it :-)

  7. LOL! I'll have to send this pic to my Dad.

  8. That's quite good!

    (I can't tell dark blues from blacks... )

  9. Teresa: Glad you liked it. It's a funny shirt. Wish I had thought of it.

    Brooke: You mean dark blues from African Americans ;-)

  10. In anticipation: happy birthday Cube! Very best wishes and hope you have a great day.

    Also happy 2011 and happy new decade to you and your readers.

  11. Caz: Lovely to hear from you again. I thought you had given up on me and my old blog.

    Hope you and yours have a joyous new year.

    BTW I heard about the flooding... hope you are staying dry.

  12. The image wouldn't come up when I clicked-by the other day, can see it now.

    Hee hee.

    Kinda cruel, but in a good way.


    Noooo, have not given up at all Cubicle, just a matter of having less time for my own indulgences nowadays. Can't even find time to post on my blog, except for occasional bursts, or for trite, quick things (often think of just taking it down, but can't quite bring myself to being so drastic!). So I might not comment, but I do find time to stop by and have a read.

    I'm down south, so no flooding in my neck of the woods, but sheesh, Queensland is, err, more than knee deep in it. Still going on too, they haven't seen the end of it yet. Massive area. Even coal mines under, and will affect world prices in due course, not to mention lost summer crops. No idea how many houses are sitting under water, but it's an awful lot.
