
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Festivus For The Rest Of Us

An airing of the grievances...

An aluminum pole...

And feats of strength will be performed...

Must be Festivus!

Read about the merriment at
The Real Festivus

Happy Festivus to you & yours.


  1. Yes, it's time once again to gather around the Festivus pole, engage in feats of strength and tell those we love the most how much they've disappointed us!

  2. I had no idea Festivus had taken off on its own like this. But so much from that show has remained in the lexicon. Brilliant writing.

  3. Ugh, I've heard of this.

    Every year I denounce the racist, anti-Christian, made-up farce known as "Kwanzaa."

  4. Oh, meant to wish you a very Merry Christmas!

  5. I love when TV becomes reality. Much more than reality TV. (OH, who am I kidding...I'm a reality TV whore.)

  6. LL: I loved watching Seinfeld. I look upon Festivus as a poke in the eye of Kwanza, another made up ritual. It's just fun to remember it every year.

    Jan: Brilliant writing, indeed. I am a fan of the show.

    Brooke: :-)

  7. Karen Howes: Like Kwanza, Festivus is a made up farce, but at least it isn't racist or anti-Christian.

    And I wish you a Merry Christmas too.

    Chuck: Merry Christmas!!!

  8. hey Cube~! HAPPIEST HOLIDAYS my friend~!:)

  9. I had never before heard of Festivus.

    I must be living under a rock, or something.

    Merry Christmas to you, Cube.

  10. WomanHonorThyself: Happy Holidays to you, my friend :-)

    Always On Watch: No, you just haven't watched Seinfeld. It had very clever writing and many of its themes wormed their way into everyday speech.

    My own sister never watched it either and when the rest of us get riffing on some Seinfeld bit, she's lost.

    Don't fret. The episodes on rerun almost everyday.

    Merry Christmas to you & Mr. AOW.

  11. BeckEye: lol. I watch more reality TV (mostly cooking shows) that I care to admit.

    Merry Christmas!!!

  12. Merry Christmas!!!

    And Happy all the rest of the made-up holidays.

  13. Happy Festivus!

    Merry Christmas!

  14. well, I'm an old head.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

