
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Par For Pelosi

Pelosi Turns Down Offer To Sit With Cantor At Speech

So much for extending a hand to the other side of the political aisle...


  1. Now, Cube, nice girls always go to the dance with the first guy whut asks them and not break the date when she gets a more powerful offer. :-)

  2. I cant stomach her either anymore...o garsh!

  3. Jan: That analogy is so far from the world of Pelosi that you, having made it, just makes me cringe and want to say, "Ewwwww".

    WomanHonorThyself: Your stomach must be stronger than mine because mine could never stomach her.

  4. FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR be it for me to defend the awful woman but she DID extend an invite to the Republican..whatever his name was.
    You don't expect her to sit in a gaggle of people she despises, do you? :-)

  5. Z: What do you mean? Honestly, I want to know...

  6. Sounds like a win for Cantor. Would you want to spend an evening with that???

  7. Why the hell did Cantor offer to sit with her, that's my question.

  8. Chuck: I know you're right, but the left will find some way to heap the opprobrium on Cantor even though it's Nancy who deserves it.

    Karen Howes: Good question. I know I wouldn't want to sit next to her. Remember how during last year's SOTU speech she was bouncing out of her seat like a Jack-in-the-box behind the president? It was rather comical.

  9. Don't you think it's a little bit misleading that you failed to mention her deciding to sit with another Republican?

    One of the criticisms often levelled at the GOP and its supporters is that they are pathologically dishonest.

    I think your side has enough good points to enter into a robust debate without having to resort to half-truths.

  10. Brightened Boy: She sat next to uber-RINO Roscoe Bartlett R-MD!!!!

    He is more liberal than some democrats.

    This guy's concern about climate change is for us to use less oil and more renewable energy. Tell that to the folks in the southwest who are having rolling blackouts because of our inability to handle the higher demands.

    Don't even get me started on his total lack of concern about keeping our military bases open.

  11. Lucky fellow, he doesn't have to sit next to that failure of a speaker.
