
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Well, Which Is It?

Celebrity Journalist: I Never Spoke To Hawaii Gov About Obama Birth Certificate

Either this "celebrity journalist" is an opportunistic fool or he has been silenced...

Which scenario do you think is more likely?


  1. hey girl..Now I'm'm so sick of this..NO one even cares that this tyrant isn't a citizen..pfftt!

  2. The word "misspoke" now seems to mean "lied." How could anyone misspeak about a whole incident that never happened?

  3. I agree completely with Jan; 'misspoke' is leftist talk for LIES.

  4. I'm confused, what is a celebrity journalist?

  5. WomanHonorThyself: I'm sick of it too. I'm also sick of the sycophantic Obamarrhoids of the press that didn't demand that this and other records be made public BEFORE BO was elected.

    I fear that anything that can be done now too little, too late.

  6. Jan: Exactly. A new code word. The left figures it can change the English language at will.

    Brooke: I agree with Jan too.

    Chuck: I had never heard the phrase before this article, but the man who made the allegations has a radio show and insinuated himself into the story by professing to know inside info because of his friendship with the governor of Hawaii.

  7. Even if this were true (and I don't believe for a moment that it is), do you really think that any politician, much less the governor of Obama's homestate, would be foolish enough to confide such a thing to a reporter?

    The President is from the U.S.

    He would have had to prove that when he registered to run for office, so as to satisfy Constitutional requirements.

    I'm in full support of debate, but the continued ravings on this subject really are pointless.
