
Monday, May 02, 2011

Cat In The Hat

On this glorious Monday, the first post-UBL, I'm in the mood for a little levity.

Our cat, Pepper, looks just like the cat in the above picture so that's why I picked it, but there are many funnier ones below...

Princess Beatrice's Hat Memes Slideshow



  1. My daughter and I were marveling at Princess B's ability to get camera time at the expense of good taste and human decency.. I am sending her this link.

  2. I'm sure the hideous thing cost a pretty penny... another example or someone who has more money than taste.

    Can you imagine being the poor soul stuck sitting behind her?

    I hope the slideshow gives your daughter a few chuckles.

  3. My wife and daughter had a lot of fun with these hats

  4. That slideshow was hilarious!! I loved the one with Spock!! LOL!!

    Wow, that is truly the ugliest hat I have ever seen. Why do the British love such huge and odd looking hats??

    Never could understand that.

  5. Is the cat dead or alive? I smell a recurring theme.

  6. Chuck: Glad they liked it.

    Leticia: The Spock one was one of my favorites too!

    I don't know why the Brits love them, but they do seem to revel in outdoing each other in the hideousness of their hats.

    I find it amusing.

  7. Annoying Joe: Obviously, the hat is a portal to another universe and the cat is a mere pawn caught in an intergalactic game.

  8. Is that an idiotic hat or what?

    Of course, the cat is wise. **wink**

  9. So true. Live long and prosper.
