
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Belated Blogiversary

I've been so busy that I didn't even notice that that my 7th Blogiversary was yesterday

That said, little did I know on October 4, 2004 that I'd still be doing this 7 years later.


Klaatu barada nictu.


  1. You're even older than the dogs and me. Happy Blogiversary and many more.

    You let life interfere with blogging? hehe

  2. Happy Blogiversary! Keep up the great work.

  3. cube - and may the world stand still as we celebrate the 'box blog' and its worthy blog administrator.

    a toast to one of the good ones

  4. wooohoooooooooooo and I have known u all along !!! have a great rest of the day my friend~:)

  5. Wow. Happy blogiversary to you. I've been coming here for 6 of those 7 years...I hope you keep on pluggin' along for at least another 7

  6. Jan: I am older than you and the dogs... thanks,, I think ;-)

    Just kidding. I know you mean well.

    Life interferes with blogging all the time and I think my one rule has helped with The BLOG's longevity. My only rule is that there are no rules. If I can blog, I blog. If not, then I don't. It's all good.

    The day I don't enjoy doing it anymore will be the end of it.

  7. Teresa: Thank you :-)

    Chuck: Thank you :-)

  8. Sue Hanes: Careful. Your kind words may go straight to my polyhedron head ;-)

    Cheers to you, Sue. Hope you hang in there too.

    WomanHonorThyself: Thank you. Yes, girl, we're in the oldies club, but we're still kicking.

    Jay Noel: Thank you. You have been one of the early readers and, like a phoenix, have risen out of the ashes and come back.

  9. Cube, congratulations! You've got me beat by four years......and your blog is fabulous!
    Glad to celebrate with you!

  10. Z: Thank you for the kind words. Glad to have to here.


  11. Congrats!

    Blogging is addictive and becomes an obsession. But it does give us a voice!
