
Monday, October 03, 2011

Big Deal

Days After Michelle Obama's Target Visit, First Lady Favorite, Jason Wu, Announces Collaboration With Retail Giant

Now we know the real reason for the Target run and the White House leaked photo-op.

[The BLOG note: Hat tip to for photo.]


  1. Good grief! Can these people ever do anything without the friggin' photo ops?!

    Follow the money trail, it leads to Moochie.

  2. Cube - Doesn't the FL look great?

    It's so good to have you back!

  3. Leticia: Photo ops and money grabs. I'm sure Target is donating a generous campaign contribution.

  4. Sue: Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad to have a little free time here and there to blog.

    BTW I don't follow... what's the FL?

  5. Chuck: You're right. It's all about the money with them.

  6. You know they are, otherwise they wouldn't do it.

  7. It just confirms how stupid they think we are to buy that crap! I love how she dressed down to blend in with us common folk.

  8. Leticia: And now that an article has come out about the extravagant cost of just the airfare of the trip to Spain has come out, it serves an added purpose. She's just like one of us.

    Silly Rabbit: They do think we're stupid.

  9. Sue Hanes: Oh, I refer to her as the FW... First Wookie. And her fashion sense makes me retch.

    These are superficial observations and wouldn't bother me in the least if Moochelle was a nice person on the inside, but I don't think she is.

  10. Sue Hanes: You are entitled to your opinion. We can agree to disagree :-)

  11. And the AP photographer just happened to be there. I call B.S.!!!!

  12. Jay Noel: It has been documented that the White House clued in the AP photographer that FW would be at Target... an event as staged as Putin's dive.

  13. Cube - And to that I heartily agree.
