
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Dog Walks Into A Bar...

A dog walks into a bar and says, "A scotch on the rocks, please." The dog hands the bartender a $10 bill.

The bartender thinks to himself, "This dog doesn't know the prices of drinks," and gives him 15 cents change.

The bartender says, "You know, we don't get too many dogs in here."

The dog replies, "Well, at $9.85 a drink, I ain't coming back, either."



  1. Very good one, cube! And I LOVE the picture!

    Thanks for your remarks on my food blog...I SO related to your daughter wanting your Armenian food when she was home. I hope it went well!

  2. Nice! The dude on the stool agst the wall must be his designated walker. My son's German Shepard likes to sit on the couch like a human sometimes (wanting her belly scratched) and it cracks us up. I don't think Koda likes scotch though :)

  3. Great, a dog joke I haven't heard. Love it.

  4. Z: Glad you liked it. I was drawn to the picture as well.

    The weekend with our daughter was wonderful. Good food, good company... it was great. We can't wait until Thanksgiving. I keep teasing her by telling her I'm going to make a big fish this year instead of the traditional Thanksgiving meal. She isn't amused.

  5. DaBlade: I have no idea who or how they got that dog to pose for that photo, but it caught my eye.

    Koda sounds like a hoot. My German Shepherd, all 104 pounds of her, can't possibly sit up on the couch or anywhere else.

  6. Jan: Glad you hadn't heard it. It originated with a gorilla walking into a bar, but I took dramatic license.

  7. Woodsterman (Odie): At $9.85 a shot, it had better be single malt.
