
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Florida Hate Day

Don't hate us because we're warm.

[The Blog editor: Hat tip to Auntie M. for this graphic.]


  1. I don't hate you because you're warm. I would love to be in Florida right now. :)

  2. We are in a cold snap in California right now that is making me wish
    Global Warming wasn't just a hoax.

  3. Sandee: Thank you for that. I know I shouldn't feel guilty about the weather, but I always commiserate with those poor souls in the snow and ice.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Jan: Actually, there's a cold snap here too, but we're still walking around in shorts and t-shirts. Cold snap down here means the humidity is lessened and it's going to feel a little cooler than the usual vapor.

    I'd love to pass you the margarita pitcher if only you could reach

  6. I feel I'm already too far south living in the lower peninsula of the mitten state. I love the cold and snow of December. Come January, however, I do miss seeing sunlight - but I guess that's why there is that two week period in the month of August.

  7. I'll keep my snow and you can keep your hurricanes.

  8. Cube - I don't hate Florida because it's warm. Being cold is part of living in the midwest. It helps us appreciate the nice weather when it comes.

    Enjoy your warm weather. It's very cold here. Just right for Christmas.

  9. Heat wave here in the D.C. area today -- in the 40's. **snerk**

    And we had two storms back-to-back this week -- one storm an ice storm, the other a snowstorm.

    I'm so sore from chipping and shoveling out. I won't be worth a damn for days more.

  10. We got so warm here last night that all ten acres of snow I had when I went to bed had disappeared. I am in shock. So come on to Oklahoma for a minute at least. We are known to change quickly.

  11. DaBlade: You're a hardier breed than I am :-)

  12. Woodsterman (Odie): It's a deal!

  13. Sue Hanes: It's great that you love your circumstances. I'm glad that you love it cold; I love it hot.

  14. Always On Watch: Oh, you poor thing. Rest your sore bones. Stay in your nice warm bed and let the storms blow away.

  15. Granny Annie: I'll be right up ;-)

  16. I went outside today at ~2 PM to get the mail, I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and the weather took my breath away... it was 66 degrees! That's darn cool for me.
