
Saturday, December 14, 2013

What Do We Do Now?

What Will It Take?

Not very pretty, is it?


  1. Yet there are still lots of sheep out there that think he's the best ever. They have their heads in the sand.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Like the author of that article indicates... I am not certain is possible to regain the ground that has been lost even IF the American Sheeple wake up. The Obama Administration has taken us pretty far down the road to outright socialism. Can we get back??? I don't know. The problem is that too many people seem to want it. Or think they do. It's only when they actually get it that minds might change.

  3. Sandee: It's the free stuff mentality. They're not going to change.

  4. Robin: My question exactly: Can we get it back?

  5. Here's an uncomfortable question: Were Obama not a black, particularly a black Leftist, would he continually get a pass on what he's doing to America?

    IMO, the damage being done is well nigh permanent.

    I'm glad that I'm as old as I am.

  6. It will take a TEA Party Congress and White House.

  7. America On Watch: It IS because
    he's black that he's getting the hall pass. Nobody white and, especially Republican, could get away with this kind of behavior.

  8. Woodsterman (Odie): Maybe we can dream on that.

  9. I cant even look at that image hun....what a horror we are in..sigh.............................

  10. Another 3 years of this guy is an eternity. I'm sure we will look back on these times we are living in now and think of them - maybe not as "the good ol' days" - but at least as the "tolerable days". It will get much uglier. But they can't kill Christmas, no matter how hard they try.
