
Friday, March 07, 2014

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

Diner Attacked After Refusing Seattle Man's Demand For A Bite Of His Burrito

... try taking a bit out of this 'purrito' and you'll pull back a stump.

Happy Friday everybody!


  1. Cube - This story is as weird as I've heard in a long time.

    Your burrito cat blog Friday is sweet. Does she enjoy it?

  2. It is a weird story. What a world, right? Some feel entitled to what others have worked for...

    That picture is not my cat. It's just something I found on the internet. My cats would shred me if I tried to burrito them.

  3. This dirt-bag is going to pick on the wrong guy someday and that will be the end of this worthless piece of garbage. I've seen so many bullies like this.

    Have a fabulous day. :)

  4. Sandee: You are so right. If this guy tried this on someone who had a carry permit for a gun, he would've been shot on the spot for that offense.

    If you are in fear for your life...
