
Friday, June 26, 2015

Dog At Work Day Cat Blog Friday


For this Cat Blog Friday...

... today is Bring Your Dog To Work Day and why it's not Bring Your Cat To Work Day.


Happy Friday everybody!


  1. or cat, it's still Friday!!!

  2. I can just imagine everyone sitting there with their cats haha!

    Have a felinetastic day :-)

  3. LL: Yay! You're right. It would still be good even if we threw in lizards ;)

  4. stevebethere: Yes, trying to get some work done with a cat lying across the keyboard isn't easy.

  5. You could find the dog at the end of the day too. The cat probably not. This did make me chuckle.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺

  6. Sandee: On HLN's Morning Express News show this morning, they brought in their dogs and it made for an amusing show. You're right about knowing where the dogs were, but the cats... well not so much. Your comment makes me think of our home situation... my daughter put a bell on grandkitten, Missy, so we can keep track of her. Do you think Google has an app for that? ;)

  7. I love my cat but she can be the single most annoying creature who ever drew a breath, not something to wish on any business.

  8. Jan: Yeah, I've got three of them all trying to sit on the keyboard at once... oh, wait. There's a kitten waiting in the wings. Woe is me. Help.

  9. Well, at least it would be a relaxing day, you'd spend all of it petting the cat!

  10. Woodsterman (Odie): Play.

  11. Messymimi: Then there's keeping them off the keyboard. For some reason, my cats love me so much that they feel the need to keep me away from the keyboard ;)

  12. Cube - Cats deserve a Bring you cat to work day. Although they would walk all over the desks.

    Happy Cat Blog Friday. Have a great weekend.

  13. replying a day late as we were hiking from 7am til 4pm.... love your cartoon- ain't that the truth! You can catch up with me here:
