
Saturday, June 27, 2015

My Pool Is Clean

I don't know how true this is, but before you stick your toes into a strange pool...

Eyes Go Red And Stingy After Swimming Because Of Urine, Not Chlorine

My husband is the best pool man around and there is no 'P' in his pool ;)


  1. eeeeek ....timely post! I avoid pools with small children! Have a cool day!

  2. I read this the other day and went...YIKES! I'm glad there's no 'P' in your pool.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. The link took me to a "this page does not exist" message. So i looked up the articles, and ugh! Now i'm glad i don't get in pools any more.

    Enjoy your clean pool, i'm staying out of the ones around here! They all have little kids in them. We know how yucky they can be, much as we love them.

  4. I go only to my friends' apartment complex pool and only after they have done a thorough cleaning and maintenance twice a week. Kiss your pool man.

  5. Really bad PH will do it too. Maybe urine contributes to that since urine is a type of acid. but it seems it would take one heck of a lot of it. PH up and down products can be added to the pool water to correct it.

  6. Cube - That is disgusting. Let's hear it for your pool man.

  7. Kathe W: Small children and pets.

  8. Sandee: If we do host small children and/or pets, there are chemicals for that.

  9. Messymimi: Sorry about the link. I don't know what happened..

    Re: Pools I've gotten to the point where I don't go into any strange pools because I don't have any idea how well they're maintained.

  10. Is that your foot?

  11. Jan: Come to our house. Our pool is spectacular... all 17,000 gallons of it.

    BTW: My pool man thinks 'kissing your pool man' is a really good idea and he's all for it.

  12. Kid: Yes, bad pH will do it, but it's going to take a whole lot of pH to turn 17,000 gallons of H20 into a urine bath. I think this article is bogus.

  13. And yes, that is my foot.

  14. Sue Hanes: My pool man, also known as Mr. Cube, thanks you.

  15. The strange thing about pools is when you love them sometimes it can be a little bit hard to just avoid them. Having “P” in your pool is such a no-no for most people and definitely this has made me be a little bit careful the next time I am thinking of getting into one. Of course, most people don’t think so highly of pools used by small children but then again, they are our kids so we just have to find a way around the mess.

    Stella Hammond @ Palm City Pools
