
Friday, October 23, 2015

Cat Speaker Of The House Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a cat who would make a better Speaker Of The House than Paul Ryan and we don't have to beg her to take the job.

Happy Friday, everybody.


  1. any cat could do a better job than ANY of those WDC politicians. So sick and tired of their inability of doing any thing BUT taking care of themselves at the trough of their "entitlements" There should be a level working/playing field for all Americans. Humpf.

  2. Same goes for here in the UK hypocrites the lot of them heheh!

    Loved that pic heheh!

  3. I don't think that Ryan will do a bad job as speaker. Give him a chance. Who else can obtain a consensus to do the job?

  4. LL: Seriously, no worse than Beohner, but is that all we've got? Consensus?

  5. Several times a day my can wanders down the hall with loud MEOWS. She is definitely speaker of our house.

  6. Jan: Can? OK, I'm still laughing.

  7. Sometimes you have to play the hand that you're dealt. Better Ryan than a number of other slugs.

  8. Cube, Agreed. I know it is totally unrealistic, but we need true Conservatives at the helm and in complete control. Because we are 99/100ths down the drain at this point.
    What this country needs is Far from what this country thinks it needs.


  9. When are they going to start letting us vote for "none of the above" so we can kick everyone out and start over?

  10. Cube - That's a pretty nice looking Cat Speaker of the House. And he doesn't need a box of kleenex to do the job.

  11. I'm not sure who would be good but since I'm Canadian, I've got my own problems her in Canada. We just had another election and we now have a new prime minister. Justin Trudeau. His father was Canada's prime minister way back when I was a kid. Hopefully he'll do well.
    Have a great day Cube. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  12. LL: Hold your nose and vote. I get it. Don't like it, but I get. it.

  13. Kid: We're never going to get a complete conservative on the winning ticket. The media will see to that. Our side compromises their conservative values over and over, becoming more republican lite, while the dems just go more nut-case commie liberal to please the free stuff crown and they win. Destination: fail for GOP 'cause not enough people want to take their medicine.

  14. Messymimi: I've heard this argument before, but what's to make sure that we don't end up with even more bottom feeders?

  15. Sue Hanes: Good one, Sue.

  16. DaBlade: Oh, I get it. Mrs. DaBlade changes the litter box.

  17. Paul Pietrangelo: I don't know much about Canadian politics, but what I do know doesn't portent well for the conservative side of the political spectrum. This Trudeau is very liberal. So fasten your seat belts, cause it could be a bumpy term.

  18. Cube, See my plan for that over at Z's place. "Gonna build me a country"
