
Friday, May 13, 2016

Black Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... our Felix, who passed last month, this is the first Friday the 13th in sixteen years without you, fancy boy.

Hug your loved ones while they're near...

...and have a happy Friday.


  1. I love our Lucy and give her hugs many times a day! Cheers!

  2. That is a very long time to have a pet in your life. How fortunate for you.

  3. We sure miss our black Little Bit too. We had her for almost 13 years. They are so precious and we showered her with love every single day.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend my friend. ☺

  4. Perfect cat for this perfect day!
    You have a great weekend, Cube! XXX

  5. Aww! that's a lovely photo of him too what a nice tribute :-)

    Have a nice weekend :-)

  6. Hugs to you because i know you miss him. He was a very handsome cat.

  7. I'm sorry about your cat.

  8. Such a handsome lover boy. We have one just like him and I appreciate him every day. Gangster boy that he is sometimes.

  9. He was a black beauty indeed!

  10. Kathe W: That sounds lovely. I'm sure Lucy loves the love.

  11. Jan: I've been doing a bit of spring cleaning and I found his adoption papers. He was very healthy and we were lucky to have him as long as we did. The only time he went to the vet because he was sick was when he come home with a swollen left paw, what we called a 'paddle paw,' because his paw looked like a table tennis paddle.

    The vet wanted to put him out and lance his paw at considerable expense. I asked him what option #2 was and he said antibiotics. Needless to say, we picked the second option and Felix was better the next day.

    Other than that, Felix lived a long and healthy life.

  12. Sandee: I know the feeling. They're never with us long enough.

  13. Z: Yes, he was the perfect cat for the day.

  14. stevebethere: Thank you. He was our beautiful boy.

  15. Messymimi: Thank you so much. I know you're a kitty lover, too, and you know how tough it is to lose them. Felix was famous for giving us his 'glamour eyes' in that he would bat his eyes at you slowly like he was some cat super model. That's why we started calling him fancy boy.

  16. LL: Thank you. I do appreciate the sentiment.

  17. Kid: Yes, he was our handsome fancy boy and, yes, he did get into some trouble. He was very food driven and he'd steal your food in a New York minute if you left it unattended. It was an art form with him. He was a very stealthy cat.

  18. Cube, Our Little Bear (looked like a bear cub when a kitten) eats a little of his food then tries to eat out of the other 3 cats bowls before coming back to his own. I have to herd him at feeding time. And he Always wants fed. He can put it away.

  19. Granny Annie: He was a very handsome cat. I still find myself thinking, just for a split second mind you, that he'll come around the corner for his food. Felix was always ready to put his belly up to the bar to eat.

  20. Kid: It's funny that you would comment about that because Felix would always rush to eat out of the bowl which was last filled. We had to herd him, too, to protect the other cats and their food.

  21. Such a handsome kitty!

    Our Mysti will be 17 years old in June. She has kidney failure, but it's manageable so far with special food and a probiotic because the vet found the problem in an early stage.

    I dread the day that I'll lose my sweet Mysti.

    Saying goodbye to our four-legged members of the family is so painful.
