
Monday, August 15, 2016


No Call By Obama For Peace After Milwaukee Anti-Police Riot; Press Fails to Question Golfing Obama About Riot

So far, two nights of rioting over the life of an armed thug who wouldn't put down his gun when told to do so by police.

Meanwhile, no mention of the 4 killed and 39 wounded over the weekend in Chicago.

Fear not, President Jarret is on top of this.


  1. I hear the National Guard is being called into Milwaukee. Why not into Chicago?

  2. You probably won't hear anything either. He doesn't care. He doesn't care about cops and he sure doesn't care about anyone that doesn't have power or money. They are the elite and the rest of us are nothing.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Jan: If these riots keep gaining strength, we're going to need the National Guard in every major city. Obama has fanned the flames of racial unrest to a level I haven't seen before and I was around in the 60's. The situation seems worse now and, as far as I can see, there's no end in sight.

  4. Sandee: You're right about Obama. I just have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that he is considered one of the elite class. Without affirmative action, he would've had to have gone out and gotten a real job to get through school because he doesn't strike me as true scholarship material. He's not gifted, he's one of the luckiest men in the history of the world.

  5. There is a mouth that just begs for some brass knuckles.

  6. It's so sad to watch all of this happen.

  7. It's the hope and change that we've come to expect.

  8. Is everyone here a fascist racist?


  9. Kid: I'd settle for him just keeping it shut from now until November.

  10. Messymimi: People allowing themselves to be whipped into a wrathful, vindictive froth by race baiters being paid to do so... yes, that's sad.

  11. LL: I say. That and more.
