
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

No Sheeple Here

Oh, there's been so much activity since I last posted, I hardly know where to start...

State Dept. And White House Coordinated To ‘Crush’ Clinton Email Coverage "

But the lies just keep coming...


  1. Barack has as much to lose as Hillary does if the full scope of criminal misconduct is disclosed. So I am not surprised that the rampant corruption that followed the Clintons combined with the present administration includes collusion to hide the crimes.

    If Trump wins, it's likely that Barack and Hillary will have to flee to Russia and take up residence in the same building where Snowden lives.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. LL: True, but both will do well whether Hill wins or loses. The elites always do.

  4. I can't stand the Clinton's. I can't stand Bill, but I really hate Hillery. They will do anything. Anything.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  5. They are one strange couple, Bill and Hill. I wonder if we will ever know the depths of their evil.

  6. Sandee: I'm feeling desprited myself, but I keep working on it because our contry, as we've known it, is worth fighting for and the November elections haven't been stolen yet.

  7. Which is why I support Wikileaks, Snowden and anyone that that pulls the sheets up.

  8. And i keep trying to convince people to think for themselves, but it so often falls on deaf ears.

  9. Hope u are safe over yonder Cube! can't wait till this election is over! xoxoxo
