
Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Er, Thanks

SAVE THE DAY Response from BrabenderCox on Vimeo.

How did we ever get by without the help of famous people??


  1. Gag. Okay, you and I feel the same way about people that make their livings by being someone else. Yes we do.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. This is brilliant. How many of these famous people are moving to Canada if Trump is elected? Do they think this is a point of persuasion? I will help them pack.

  3. Good Stuff. PS - Don't take that job in Cincinnati. NTSB released a report proclaiming that the worst drivers in the country are in Cincinnati. I can testify to that. In spades.

  4. I loved this too much. I will never forget when Julia Roberts was on Oprah telling us how to have a good marriage (she was on her third or fourth at the time) because she had finally been married a year. ONE WHOLE YEAR!!

  5. Why I haven't been in a theatre in over a decade.
    I won't give my money to people who think I'm the anti-Christ for believing 'shall not be infringed' means 'shall not be infringed', or a host of other things...

  6. To everyone who commented, this video, to which you commented to, doesn't exist. Please report this dillusion to your respective therapists.
