
Monday, November 07, 2016

Wishing This Is The Last Moslem President...Ever.

BarackObama “We Deserved 9/11 Because We Didn’t Respect Islam, We Should Not Repeat That Mistake…”

Can you believe this statement came out of the mouth of an American president?

Our mistake was voting for his sorry a$$.

Let's make sure our next president loves our country.


  1. No matter how much you "respect" them and their beliefs, those who believe you either convert or die will continue to attack those who won't convert. It's that simple.

  2. Messymimi: Spot on comment. It's the awful truth that many don't want to see about the adherents of islam. They don't play well with others and they look to take control wherever they live. Wasn't it Churchill who said, "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." I see many appeasers in our midst.

  3. I'm having a party when he leaves the white house. Want to come?

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Sandee: Are you kidding? I'll be there will bells on and I'll bring lots of adult beverages. One thing though, it'll be a better celebration if the crooked Queendoesn't prevail tomorrow. I'm pretty sure she's not a moslem, but she's an equal opportunity receiver of bribes and will sell us out to the highest bidder, moslem or otherwise.

  5. He will leave the office but he will never leave Washington or the mainstream media who will continue to fawn over him.

  6. Jan: I agree. It will be hard to eradicate his stench from the white house and DC. I'm sure he'll lobby the United Nations for the God Emperor of Earth position.

  7. I just hope my fema camp has cable.

    1. I hope so too, where would we be without GILMORE Girls..I'm joking...I've never watched a single episode

    2. I hope so too, where would we be without GILMORE Girls..I'm joking...I've never watched a single episode

  8. Yea Cube, unreal. The population is so disconnected to reality. That's the real problem, There will always be POS's like this one. In fact, there is another one, even worse, on the stage.

  9. Will we be in the same camp? Make sure we all learn SOS. We'LL need it to communicate.

  10. Will we be in the same camp? Make sure we all learn SOS. We'LL need it to communicate.
