
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Friday Eve


  1. The squirrel knows! A weekend without having to deal with the nuts :)

  2. Such a happy way to think about it!

  3. A new way to think of Thursday. Looking forward to vegging out on a weekend of endless playoffs.

  4. We're heading to the boat this afternoon. Have dinner plans with friends on Friday and a yacht club functions on Saturday. Be good to see people we've not seen in a while.

    Have a fabulous Friday eve. ☺

  5. LL: Yes. a weekend minus cold weather.

  6. DaBlade: Come to think of it, last weekend was full of Bamalamans and Clemsonites in preparation of last Monday's game. Tampa was crawling with them and some of them were quite nutty ;)

  7. Messymimi: I think it helps Friday come faster... or at least it seems faster.

  8. OMG, Exactly! how I'm feeling right now. And Saturday is just one day away from Friday ! Yaaahoooooooooooooo !

    I like my job, but it's gettin old workin for the man. - And dealing with the worst drivers in the USA (in Cincinnati) according to the NTSB.

  9. Kid: It isn't much better being self-employed. When times are bad, we stress about there not being enough work. When times are good, we stress about there being so much work that we can't keep up with the demands of our clients. The common denominator is stress whether times are good or bad. Weekends are only marginally less stressful for us, but we'll take it.

  10. We talked to the owner of one of our favorite Chinese restaurants here. He said, when you're busy you sweat and when you're not busy you sweat. :)
