
Saturday, April 08, 2017

Carrie, Yes!

The late Carrie Fisher Will Appear In 'Star Wars: Episode 9', Says Brother Todd Fisher

‘Yes, how do you take her out of it?’

Well said.


  1. I'm guessing it will be like the deceased actor that they resurrected to the bridge of the Death Star though clever CGI. I'm not sure how they do it, but they do it.

  2. CGI is working very well today. It will be great to see Carrie again, either way.

  3. With CGI maybe we can see Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant, and Marilyn Monroe in new releases.

  4. It fascinates me how they do these things.

  5. Jan: i know those people are wonderful but I don't think they'd make me cry to see them again, Carrie does. And I'm not a person prone to crying.

  6. The Happy Wisk: Yes. It's all interesting.

  7. I think this is appropriate. She was the princess after all and you can never take that fact away.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  8. Sandee: The princess and the general.

  9. If I get a vote, Princess Leia can stay, but that Mark Hammil jacka### must go. Seriously. Can he just go away?

  10. Paper doll on popsicle sticks? I loved all the Star Wars movies and will be eager to see how they incorporate Princess Leia into the next one.

  11. sad but sweet Cube! have a great holiday week ..lots of chocolate covered eggs!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoox:)

  12. My SCi-Fi buddy from work said they found a close body double to the early Carrie, n will CGI her face onto the other actresses face, because she is an important part of that story... They did CGI at the end of Rogue One also, he said, but I haven't gotten to see it yet. Maybe this week.

  13. Ed Bonderenka: Yeah, Ed, we're going to have them sent to your house.

  14. DaBlade: What is it with you and Mark Hammill? All we want to know is why????

  15. Granny Annie: I will cry when I see Princess Leia again in a movie. They will be tears of joy.

  16. Snaggle Tooth: Thanks for that information. Leia was definitately part of the story and she should be included in it. I love the insider stuff you're providing. Thank you.
