
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Holy Bat Salad!

Dead Bat Found Inside Package Of Salad In Florida

I just bought a salad at my local WalMart and I didn't get a bat...

Maybe I should complain.



  1. Demand a bat!

    More to the point, why would you buy a cut and bagged salad at the market if it DIDN'T have a bat in it?

  2. I wonder if those are available in any other states.

  3. You can have the bat. I want my salad without the bat. Quality Control is a thing of the past?

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. What will they let slip past them next? Wait, don't tell me, i don't really want to know.

  5. Bats are wonderful. They eat mosquitoes and other PIA bugs.

  6. I LOVE a good decomposed Mexican free-tailed bat Taco Salad, but maybe that's just me.

  7. Nothing has ever creeped me out more than this story. OMG!!! You couldn't guess how many of these salads I consume on a regular basis...

  8. LL: I figure why should I pay more for less ;)

  9. The Happy Whisk: Glad you liked it :)

  10. Jan: I don't about this salad lot, but it may be coming to your local store... soon.

  11. Sandee: I hear you. We're getting increasing reports of diseases we haven't seen in years, i.e., smallpox, mumps, and TB. Almost daily, we're getting increasing calls for recalls involving salmonella, lysteria and other bacterial contaminatants in foods. What has happened to Quality Control is a very good question.

  12. Messymimi: I know how you feel. Just work on keeping up the proper functioning of your immune system and the odds are better that God willing you'll stay healthy.

  13. Kid: I love bats, too. Any critter that eats bugs is a friend of mine.

  14. DaBlade: Hmmm, you seem to know a lot about bats in salads... no one mentioned Mexican free-tailed bats or Taco Bell. Do you know something we don't know, good sir?

  15. Granny Annie: Lol. Over the years I surely must've creeped you out more than now. I don't think this is a common occurrence. The next time you get a salad, don't eat anything that looks remotely bat-like and you'll be fine ;)

  16. There was a recall on Wally World organic mixed salad greens containing bat poop. I dunno, if that's the whole or correct story though.

  17. The Happy Wisk: I don't know. I haven't heard anything about Wally World organic salads, but I would'nt want to risk it with my family.
