
Friday, July 28, 2017

Greedy Breeders

German Shepherd Dogs Dying In Misery Due To Intensive Breeding

And we owners are suffering right along with them.

Our beautiful German Shepherd, Elke, is close to being put down because of it.

It's put a strain on our lives because it's very hard to part with a wonderful friend...


  1. "sloped back, short rear legs"?
    None of my sheps ever looked like that I'm happy to say.
    Sorry about Elke. I know your pain.

  2. I realize that it may be too late for Elke, but how can the problem be fixed?

  3. It's a shame. It's a huge shame.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, my friend. ☺

  4. Ed Boderenka: We lost our first German Shepherd, Dax, to hip dysplasia (and complications, thereof) so we took pains to make sure that didn't happen with Elke. We met her parents when she was 6 weeks old and they looked fine. We picked her up two weeks later with papers showing that she had been checked by a vet and her parents were from different countries and inbreeding wasn't a possibility. Still, here we are where are... heartbroken at what we feel we must do for her.

  5. LL: A few years ago we took her to a surgeon to see if there was a solution. She told us it would be about $10,000 a leg and it would take about 18 months of recuperation. She also said her own dog had the same problem and she wouldn't do the surgery either. I believe these breeders have ruined the breed for a very long time. I don't think I'll ever have another German Shepherd again.

  6. Sandee: I know. It is a shame that they ruined such a wonderful, noble breed of dog. We're just taking it day by day with Elke. Trying to get her to eat her pills isn't easy. We have to come up creative ways every day.

  7. I have never heard of such a thing. It is indeed disturbing.

  8. So sorry to hear about avoidable. I think about Rin tin tin and the lovely GSD of older times. have you tried hiding the pills in melting cheese?

  9. Granny Annie: Most people don't know about it, but us GS dog owners know about it all too much and it's heartbreaking to watch.

  10. Jan: We've tried cheese (her favorite), we've tried crushing the pills into her food, my husband has tried putting them down her throat and got tired of getting bitten, we've put them into pill pockets and even into natural chicken meatballs. We have even tried laser therapy for her, but nothing seems to work. She is going downhill fast. We've talked to our daughters and they want to be there when a mobile vet comes to the house. We don't know if we'll have the time to coordinate all of those things.

  11. Heartbreaking. Grandma and Grandpa lost their last German shepherd years ago to hip trouble, and they've gotten mixed breeds since. One of those had hip trouble, too, and it is so sad that they are being bred for problems that will make them miserable and shorten their lives.

  12. Messymimi: It's so sad what they've done to these dogs. The fraud these breeders have perpetrated should be punishable by law. I don't know why it isn't.

  13. I have never and will never buy a dog from a puppy mill.

  14. PS - So Sorry Cube. It never gets easier. I have suffered over every pet we have seen succumb to an illness.

  15. I have never heard of such a thing. It is indeed disturbing.


  16. phann son: Why don't you just f**k off my site. I don't need your garbage here.

  17. Kid: Just so you know... Elke wasn't bought from a puppy mill.

  18. sorry about your doggy. My wife lives on various websites dedicated to improving the life of our white GSD. His brother and him have all sorts of maladies and I'm sure the breeding is the culprit. We did a lot of things wrong when securing them. We love them so we do all we can for them now. Zeke's brother, Krueger, is my son's dog and he is on seizure medication (and a host of other stuff). Ours has lupus and some incontinence issues (probably because we had him neutered early instead of a vasectomy). Live and learn but this breed has issues.

  19. DaBlade: Your comment hits home right now when we've been forced to put down our beloved dog, Elke, because of maladies brought upon by these greedy breeders. I hope you better luck with your dogs.
