
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Neeling [sic] Football League

Not One More Dime: NFL Stadiums Have Collected Over $1.1 Billion In Federal Subsidies – Time To Cut Them Off

I used to look forward to football season, but not any more.

I'm done.

In case you're curious about companies who sponsor:

Complete List Of NFL Partners


  1. I'm done with it too. Fox pre-game had ten minutes on neeling [sic] before I turned it off for the day. I'm thinking NASCAR for non-PC entertainment.

  2. I'm with you on this. Thanks for the list of sponsors too.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. I stopped watching a Long time ago so I don't care what they do. I'm also beyond fed up with the black victimhood. I always thought it was insane that tax money was used to build infrastructure for a private for profit business.

  4. It's a sad commentary and i have many thoughts on it but i don't want to get started, it will ruin my day. They've already had enough of my head space.

  5. I'm out too. And I was looking forward to the season, having watched only one full baseball game (and parts of a few others... Zzzzz). Oh well, Go Red Wings!

  6. Jan: I haven't watched pro football since last year and I don't miss it. The free time on Sundays has been nice. When my youngest is home, we catch some college games, but that will end if this nonsense spills over into college football.

    I admire their patriotic stance, but I've never had the patience to watch NASCAR races. There's plenty of other non-PC things to watch and do.

  7. Bob aka Kid: I agree, both about the NFL and black victimhood. I've had my fill of both.

  8. Messymimi: I hear ya. Sometimes I'd rather watch reruns such as Law & Order, Columbo, or Murder, She Wrote than to engage in the PC twaddle that passes for entertainment today.

  9. DaBlade: Will the NFL enforce ALL the rules on the athletes or will they continue to allow the hemorrhaging of fans and their money? Time will tell. Me, I suddenly have a lot of free time on Sundays, Mondays, and the occasional Thursday and I'm liking it.

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